Since the animals cannot communicate their problem directly to their owners, they have unique ways to make the person understand. Thus, in order to recognize those ways, you need to have an understanding of their body language and what specific things tell you about their behavior or health.
As far as dogs are concerned, they usually try to communicate with you in a non-verbal manner. Sometimes, some of their body language might resemble how a human reacts, but at the same time, the same kind of behavior might have some other connotation in the case of a dog or other animal.
Furthermore, there can also be a lot of interpretation from the owner’s side, which is why it is essential that you have a better understanding of what their body language means and whether they are trying to tell you that something is wrong in their body or they are not feeling comfortable. Contacting a veterinarian in Silver Spring, MD, can help you know about body language better.
Why are there different body language in a dog, and what do they indicate?
Different body language can have different meanings, and that is why it is essential to know some of them, at least in order to have a better idea. Let us discuss some of the body language below:
Hackles are raised:
When the heck else is raised in dogs, it basically means that their fur is standing up all the way to their tail. It does not necessarily have to be a bad sign, but it may indicate that the dog is fearful or stressed.
It may also mean that the dog is excited about something and aroused. The heckles being raised is usually an involuntary reaction, as in humans, we see goosebumps.
Wagging their tail:
You must have seen your dog wagging its tail many times, and we usually associate wagging with them being happy or excited about something. However, that is not always really the case. Sometimes, they might be doing it out of frustration, or it can be something even worse than that.
In order to understand what their wagging really means, you need to see in which direction they wag their tail. You also need to pay attention to the position of their tail. The more waking you notice in your dogs, the more they are possibly aroused.
When the wagon makes the whole body of your dog move or is bad, then you do not need to be worried about it. It’s just them being relaxed. It is usually something you might notice when they see you. However, if the wing is high-speed, then it might not be a good sign. You might notice a guard dog doing that.
Change in posture:
If you notice a dog hunting to the ground, then it may be an indication of them being scared or distressed. It might look like they are asking for a belly, which is something that you would notice in a dog that is relaxed, but here, that is not the case. Another body language is a play bow.
Here, the dog will lower its chest to the ground, and its back will be in the air, so that kind of foster indicates that it wants to play. It might be that they want to play with other dogs or with you, their owner.
In some breeds, you may also notice them raising their paws, which indicates that there might be a pre in the nearby area. They might also be another meaning where they might be feeling insecure.
For any checkup, contact a vet!
It is essential that you take your dog to the veterinarian for a routine check-up to be on the safer side, just like humans. Animals also need to be checked up in order to ensure that their health is not affected in any way. While the outer posture is set in the body, language might be detectable by a human, what’s going inside is not.